Home » Cornucopias: A Blockchain-Based MMO RPG on Cardano

Cornucopias: A Blockchain-Based MMO RPG on Cardano

Enter “Cornucopias,” a pioneering MMO RPG that integrates the robust capabilities of the Cardano blockchain.

This game unfolds an extraordinary adventure set in a vast, sky-based world, offering players a blend of exploration, strategy, and economic simulation. In Cornucopias, every dome and zone is a gateway to diverse ecosystems and civilizations, mirroring the richness of human history and culture.

With the blockchain ensuring transparent and secure digital ownership, players can gather resources, engage in various trades, embark on missions, and even create their businesses. Experience the synergy of advanced gaming mechanics and blockchain technology in Cornucopias, where your journey is limited only by your imagination.

Cornucopias: Early Access Walk Trough

Overview of Cornucopias

At its core, Cornucopias is a story of survival and reinvention. As the Earth reaches its limits in sustaining human life, a group of visionary scientists creates a new haven in the skies – a series of interconnected domes that serve as new grounds for human civilization. This sky-bound world, divided into 12 distinct zones, offers players an unparalleled experience of discovery and adventure. From the rugged terrains of the Wild West-themed Esperanza to the serene and lush landscapes of Solace, and the architecturally rich and exotic Fortune, the game invites players to immerse themselves in varied and richly detailed environments.

What sets Cornucopias apart is not just its expansive world but its deep integration with blockchain technology. This allows for a level of digital ownership previously unseen in online gaming. Players can own, trade, and manage assets – from land plots to resources and custom-built structures – with real-world value and security, thanks to the Cardano blockchain’s transparent and efficient system.

The gameplay of Cornucopias is diverse and player-driven. It encompasses a wide range of activities like resource gathering, building, crafting, and trading, all contributing to a thriving in-game economy. Players can choose to be traders, architects, adventurers, or warriors, each role playing a vital part in the game’s ecosystem. Additionally, the game features quests, farming activities, and the adrenaline-packed Cornucopias Racing League, offering various ways for players to engage and grow within this virtual world.

Cornucopias’ use of Unreal Engine 5 ensures that this imaginative world is not only vast but also visually stunning, with attention to detail that promises an immersive and captivating gaming experience. The combination of advanced gaming mechanics and blockchain technology positions Cornucopias as a trailblazer in the gaming industry, offering a unique, secure, and dynamic environment for players to explore and shape.

Focus on the Game

The game is not just a platform; it’s a vast network that continually grows, offering an immersive experience across various mediums including 2D, 3D, VR, AR, mobile, desktop, home consoles, smart TVs, and more with stunning landscapes:

Cornucopias Mountains

But also:

A True Metaverse Experience: Cornucopias is revolutionizing the gaming world with its decentralized Play-and-Earn system. In this metaverse, every player plays a crucial role in shaping the in-game ecosystem, economy, and community. It’s a world where player contributions aren’t just valued; they’re integral to the very fabric of the virtual universe.

Starting Point – The Home Bubble: Every journey in Cornucopias begins on a unique ‘Home Bubble,’ a personal hub for each player. This space serves as a safe haven for storing properties and NFTs, marking the beginning of endless possibilities. From here, players can venture out into the expansive world of Cornucopias.

Exploration and Engagement: The metaverse is dotted with Themed Zones and City Districts, each offering a unique experience. Here, players can dive into crypto-powered game experiences, develop skills, and take on challenges. The reward for such engagements? The opportunity to earn valuable Play-and-Earn rewards, enhancing the gaming experience.

Cornucopias Indoors

Continuous Expansion and Asset Ownership: Cornucopias is designed with expansion in mind, ensuring that new features and functionalities are consistently integrated into the game. This evolving nature allows for a dynamic experience that keeps players engaged and curious. Players can own assets in the form of NFTs, which not only enhance their in-game experience but also have real-world value.

Economy on Blockchain: The backbone of Cornucopias’ economy is the blockchain. Here, players can earn $COPI tokens through various in-game activities and engagements, adding a layer of economic strategy to the gameplay.

Explore Incredible Natural Landscapes

How to Play?

Cornucopias’ Pre-Alpha testing phase presents a unique opportunity, granting exclusive early access to those who own particular NFTs. This phase is not just a test of the game’s capabilities but also a celebration of the community’s involvement and investment in the project.

Who Can Play? Access Through NFT Ownership

  • Qualifying for Early Access: Participation in the Pre-Alpha testing is exclusive to holders of Rare, Legendary, and Mythic rarities in specific categories of NFTs. This includes Vehicles, Land, and Custom Domes.
  • Eligibility Based on Digital Assets: The ownership of certain NFTs is the key to unlocking this early access. As the game’s infrastructure progresses, the list of qualifying assets is continually updated.

List of Qualifying NFTs:

  • Vehicles: Rare, Legendary, or Mythic versions of Bubblejett Sprinters (2022 and OG Custom 2022), GTi Javelin 2022, Valley Raceworx T3 2023, and Bubblejett Bonanza OG Custom 2023.
  • Land: Land Deeds.
  • Custom Domes: Unique architectural structures within the game.

Optimized Gaming Experience: Supported GPUs

  • The game is currently optimized for specific GPUs, ensuring the best possible gaming experience. As development continues, the range of supported GPUs will expand, aiming for broader inclusivity and enhanced performance.

How to Access the Game: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a Player Account: Register to create your player account.
  2. Link Your Wallet: Connect a wallet that contains your qualifying game assets (NFTs).
  3. Wait for Role Updates: It may take up to 15 minutes for roles to update, which can be manually triggered in the player settings if needed.
  4. Download and Install the Launcher: The game launcher download will be available for Windows users.
  5. Launch and Login: Open the launcher and log in to proceed.
  6. Check for Game Access: Your PC specs are reported by the launcher, and if you meet the criteria, you’ll be granted a new role for game access.
  7. Install and Play: Once the install button is available, select a location, download the game, and start playing.
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The Team

I usually don’t like to invest in projects when the team has not enough experience.

Here, the core team is impressive. Josh, Geoff and Ant have more then 20 years experience each in different industries:

Their diverse backgrounds, ranging from marketing and software development to quality assurance in various sectors, position them exceptionally well to lead and innovate in the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming.

Their shared passion for crypto, demonstrated through their involvement in projects like Grow Your Stake and Cardano Chats, coupled with their favorite classic games, reflects a deep appreciation and understanding of both the technical and user-centric aspects of gaming.

This unique blend of skills and interests makes them well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of creating a successful gaming platform like Cornucopias.

Important Milestones of the Project

As Cornucopias continues its impressive journey in the blockchain gaming world, it has crossed several significant milestones that highlight its innovation, growth, and strategic advancements. Let’s delve into these key achievements that showcase the project’s dynamic progress:

Team Expansion and Innovation: The project’s team has grown remarkably, now comprising 33 skilled individuals. This expansion is a testament to Cornucopias’ dedication to innovation and excellence in the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming.

Live Testing and NFT Integration: A pivotal achievement is the live testing involving 500 participants, which uniquely integrates ‘NFT gated’ access. This approach not only enhances the gaming experience but also solidifies Cornucopias’ role as a pioneer in adopting blockchain technology in gaming.

Dynamic Game Roles: Introduction of unique game roles, like the “racing role,” adds depth to the gameplay, allowing players to immerse themselves in diverse and engaging activities within the game’s universe.

Multi-Chain Presence of $COPI Token: The expansion of the $COPI token across multiple chains, including Cardano, Binance Chain, and Ethereum DEXs, marks a significant step in enhancing its utility and accessibility, thus broadening its appeal in the crypto-gaming community.

Technological Advancements: Utilizing Unreal Engine 5.3.3 demonstrates Cornucopias’ commitment to staying ahead in technology. The meticulous in-house creation of graphics, artwork, and assets further underscores their dedication to quality and innovation.

Community Growth and Market Success: The growing interest and trust in Cornucopias are evident from the successful COPI Node Sale that commenced on December 18, 2023, and the token reaching its all-time high in the same month. This reflects the increasing confidence of the market in the project.

Strategic Partnerships and Market Listing: The upcoming listing of $COPI on Gate.io on December 21, 2023, along with strategic partnerships, notably with NeoTokyoCode, cements Cornucopias’ standing as a formidable entity in the gaming and crypto sectors.

These milestones not only underscore Cornucopias’ rapid evolution and success but also indicate the immense potential and exciting developments that lie ahead in its journey.

Tokenomics of Cornucopias

General Information:

  • Token Ticker Name: COPI
  • Launched: December 10, 2021
  • Total and Max Supply: 3,840,000,000 COPI (three billion, eight hundred and forty million)
  • Type: Fixed Supply
  • Blockchains: Available on Binance Smart Chain (BNB) and Cardano

The tokenomics of the COPI token, with a total supply of 2 billion, reveal an insightful distribution and allocation strategy:

  1. Private Sale (345,600,000 COPI): This now represents approximately 9% of the total supply. A significant portion dedicated to early investors indicates strong initial funding and support.
  2. Public Sale (165,120,000 COPI): Accounting for about 4.3% of the total supply, this allocation provides broader public access to the token, fostering community involvement and investment.
  3. Team and Advisors (921,600,000 COPI): This substantial allocation is around 24% of the total supply. It reflects the long-term commitment and incentive for the team and advisors, though the release schedule and vesting terms are crucial for understanding market impact.
  4. Game Rewards (1,178,880,000 COPI): Representing approximately 30.7% of the total supply, this portion is crucial for sustaining player engagement and incentivizing participation within the game.
  5. Staking and Farming Rewards (576,000,000 COPI): Making up about 15% of the total supply, this segment encourages players to invest and engage with the game’s ecosystem, enhancing token stability and user retention.
  6. Metaverse Entity (153,600,000 COPI): This accounts for around 4% of the total supply, likely allocated for metaverse-related developments, partnerships, and collaborations.
  7. Partnerships (192,000,000 COPI): Comprising about 5% of the total supply, this allocation is likely earmarked for strategic partnerships, expanding the project’s reach and functionality.
  8. Reserves (192,000,000 COPI): Also approximately 5% of the total supply, these are essential for handling unforeseen expenses or future expansions.
  9. Floating Liquidity (115,200,000 COPI): This is about 3% of the total supply, critical for maintaining market liquidity and reducing price volatility.

The tokenomics of COPI, with its varied allocation strategy, is designed to balance between development funding, player rewards, and ecosystem growth. The significant allocation towards game rewards underscores the focus on player interaction in the in-game economy. However, the large share for the team and advisors highlights the need for transparency regarding vesting terms to gauge its impact on long-term market stability. This comprehensive approach aims to support the sustained development, growth, and engagement of the Cornucopias community.

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Market Cap and Price Prediction

The market cap of blockchain gaming is expected to reach 65.7 billion USD by 2027:

But, Cornucopias, the main project on Cardano in that industry is currently at half a billion of diluted market cap:

Let’s assume that the top 5 blockchains absorb 90% of the gaming market cap equally, it would mean that the target for COPI is around 12 billion USD of market capitalization for 2027: this is a 24x from here in 3 years sending the token price to $3!

Interview with an Industry Expert: Martine from FGL

  • Can you introduce yourself for our readers?

My name is Martine, and I’m from the Netherlands. I’ve been working with FGL for more than 10 years, when we were still doing Flash web games and mobile F2P games. I’m the main game designer behind our game Mecha World and I’m responsible for the business development of our whole NFT Game portfolio.

  • What do you think of Cornucopias on Cardano?

I only recently learned about Cornucopias, since I started looking more into Cardano projects. The game looks super exciting, but I work on a Mac so I’m afraid I won’t be able to play it soon.

  • What benefits are there for games connected to a blockchain?

For us it’s two things. What we see as the biggest benefit is the ease of trading assets. Any web2 game can set up an in-game marketplace for trading, but it’s always a lot of work to maintain and to keep it safe. Since trading is in the core of blockchain design, it’s much easier to build on top of this and keep transactions safe. Next to that, any alteration of the assets (NFTs) are stored in the blockchain as well, making much harder to hack, and even if someone would manage this it would not be without leaving traces. As an example, in our game Mecha World you can upgrade and level up your Mecha. If we would suddenly spot a level 99 Mecha we can easily trace the path of that asset and view the history of leveling.

  • Are there challenges for running blockchain games?

Absolutely. There is quite a lot of fragmentation between blockchains. We started on WAX, but we’re now expanding to Cardano by collaborating with Machiavellic. The transactions between these blockchains are not seamless but it’s possible. But what we mainly try to achieve with this collaboration is drawing the communities of both blockchains together, since communities are still quite isolated.

  • FGL is helping to bring Machiavellic to the WAX blockchain. Why did you choose to use WAX for FGL NFT Games?

When we started our web3 journey in 2021 we chose WAX because it offers a toolset specifically for games. Also there are practically no gas fees, giving us more flexibility in how we design our game mechanics. Fr example the Mecha leveling and upgrading I mentioned, that’s all stored in the blockchain. So every time a player gains XP the NFT’s attributes are updated. On some other blockchains this would become really expensive to run. Luckily this process has also become better on other chains since we started, so there is hope for expansion into other chains.

  • What is FGL NFT Games planning for the future?

From the start we always envisioned to run a whole portfolio of several games that are all interconnected by the use of the FGL Token. This is exactly what we’ve been building over the past years and Machiavellic is the latest addition to that multiverse. This way we give the token more strength and stability since it is not linked to the success of just 1 game. And it shows! Since the launch of our token it’s been very stable with a healthy slow growth. Over the next few years we aim to add more games to our portfolio and connect multiple blockchains this way.

Conclusion on Cornucopias

Cornucopias stands as a groundbreaking endeavor in the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain gaming. It uniquely combines the expansive and immersive qualities of a metaverse with the innovative application of blockchain technology, setting a new benchmark in the gaming industry. The game’s diverse ecosystem, ranging from its unique Play-and-Earn system to the dynamic integration of NFTs, reflects a deep understanding of both player engagement and the potential of decentralized finance.

The commitment to accessibility across multiple platforms, including VR, AR, mobile, and more, demonstrates an inclusive approach, ensuring a wide reach and varied gaming experiences. The thoughtful design of the game, from the individualized Home Bubbles to the vast and thematic zones, provides players with a sense of ownership and a canvas for exploration and creativity. The involvement of the community in shaping the game’s economy and environment marks a shift towards more participative and immersive gaming experiences.

Moreover, the leadership team’s blend of entrepreneurial spirit, technological expertise, and a genuine passion for gaming adds a layer of credibility and vision to the project. Their past experiences and current endeavors indicate a keen understanding of both the challenges and the potential in bridging the worlds of gaming and blockchain.

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