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Best Old Turkish Coins

Top Old Turkish Coins

When one treads the corridors of time, retracing the steps of a civilization as ancient and influential as that of Turkey, one cannot help but be mesmerized by the tactile testament of its glory: the coins. These tiny metal discs are not mere monetary tools. They are capsules of history, telling tales of empires risen and fallen, of conquests, revolutions, and cultural renaissances. For centuries, from the Seljuks to the Ottomans, Turkey stood as a confluence of civilizations, and its coins resonate with the echoes of those bygone eras. What are the best old Turkish coins?

Old Turkish coins are a treasure trove for both historians and numismatists. With intricate designs, they mirror the evolution of Turkish art and culture, and often serve as indicators of the socio-political climate of their times. Imagine holding a coin from the reign of Sultan Mehmet II, the conqueror of Constantinople, or one that circulated in the grand bazaars during the golden age of the Ottoman Empire. These coins bridge the temporal gap, offering a tangible connection to the grandeur of Turkey’s past.

The legacy of these coins goes beyond their material value. They symbolize the aspirations of rulers, the genius of craftsmen, and the daily life of common folk. They bear witness to trade relationships, religious shifts, and even clandestine love stories whispered in the markets of Anatolia. To understand old Turkish coins is to embark on a journey through time, navigating the complex labyrinth of Turkey’s historical tapestry.

As we delve deeper into the fascinating world of old Turkish coins in the subsequent sections, let this introduction serve as an invitation. An invitation to explore, to wonder, and to connect with a legacy that has shaped not just a nation, but our collective human heritage. So, let’s embark on this journey together, letting the shimmering allure of these ancient coins guide our way.

Old Turkish Coin


The Akçe was a significant silver coin of the Ottoman Empire and holds a crucial place in the financial and economic history of the region. Its roots date back to the early days of the empire, with its introduction in the 14th century, and it continued to be a fundamental component of the Ottoman monetary system until the late 17th century. Oh old Turkish coins!

The name “Akçe” is derived from the word “akçi,” which means “white,” highlighting the silver composition of the coin. The weight and purity of the Akçe varied during its history, reflecting the socio-economic and political circumstances of the empire. However, it typically contained around 1.2 grams of silver.

The Akçe became synonymous with daily transactions within the empire. From the bustling markets of Constantinople to the remote trade routes connecting Asia and Europe, the coin facilitated a myriad of economic activities. It was this ubiquity that helped it become not just a medium of exchange but also a standard measure of value and a unit of account for several commodities, properties, and services.

The Ottoman fiscal system and taxation, especially the timar system which was based on land revenue, was frequently denominated in Akçe. Many official records, including court documents, land deeds, and trade agreements, mentioned amounts in Akçe, attesting to its institutional importance.

However, over time, as with many ancient currencies, the Akçe faced challenges. Debasements, wherein the silver content of the coin was reduced, led to inflation and economic instability in certain periods. By the late 17th century, the Akçe’s importance waned as newer coins, like the kuruÅŸ, took precedence.

In retrospect, the Akçe is not just a coin; it’s a reflection of the Ottoman Empire’s evolving dynamics. From its rise to power, expansion across three continents, interactions with neighboring civilizations, to its challenges and reforms, the journey of the Akçe mirrors the empire’s history, making it a fascinating subject for historians and numismatists alike.


The Kuruş, a pivotal currency of the Ottoman Empire, emerged as an evolution in the realm of monetary instruments during the late 17th century. It came into existence at a time when the Akçe, the longstanding silver coin of the empire, was seeing its decline, both in terms of its silver content and its efficacy in an evolving economic landscape. One of the best Turkish coins!

The name “KuruÅŸ” itself is derived from the Arabic term “qirsh.” Unlike its predecessor, the Akçe, the KuruÅŸ was larger and heavier, reflecting the trends in coinage that were being witnessed in Europe and other neighboring regions. Typically minted in silver, the KuruÅŸ bore inscriptions of sultanic tughras, religious texts, or depictions relevant to the reigning sultan.

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As the KuruÅŸ made its entry into the economic veins of the empire, it fast became the primary currency for various transactions, whether they were in the sprawling bazaars of Istanbul or in the more modest markets in the empire’s vast territories. The smaller denominations of the KuruÅŸ were the Para and later the Mangır, facilitating a comprehensive monetary system that could cater to both larger and trivial transactions.

However, it wasn’t just the tangible aspects of the KuruÅŸ that made it central to the Ottoman world. It also played a crucial role in the financial reforms during the Tanzimat period in the 19th century, as the empire sought to modernize its systems and align with European standards.

The introduction and rise of the KuruÅŸ marked a significant transition in the Ottoman monetary system. Its dominance lasted till the end of the empire, post which Turkey transitioned to the Turkish Lira. Today, while the KuruÅŸ might not circulate as a principal coin, its legacy persists as a subunit of the modern Turkish Lira, linking the contemporary economic framework of Turkey with its illustrious past.


The Sultani, a celebrated gold coin of the Ottoman Empire, is a testament to the grandeur and extensive reach of the empire during its zenith. First minted in the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent during the 16th century, the coin’s name “Sultani” was fittingly derived from the title “Sultan”, underscoring its association with the imperial throne.One of the top Turkish coins!

Minted primarily in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) but also in other significant mints across the empire, the Sultani bore inscriptions that not only represented the reigning sultan’s tughra (calligraphic monogram) but also contained verses from the Quran and details about its place of minting. The consistency in its gold content, which was approximately 3.5 grams, ensured the Sultani was recognized for its authenticity and value, making it a preferred choice for both local and international trade.

Its reputation was not confined to the borders of the Ottoman Empire. The Sultani became a globally accepted currency, finding its way through trade routes to regions as distant as Europe, Africa, and Asia. Its acceptance was such that it was at times counterfeited in other lands, pointing to its significance in the global economic landscape of the time.

Beyond trade, the Sultani also found its place in diplomacy. The Ottoman court often used it as a diplomatic gift, symbolizing the empire’s wealth and power. Furthermore, it functioned as a store of value, with many individuals investing their wealth in these gold coins, much like a tangible savings account.

While the Sultani’s prominence waned as the empire faced economic challenges and shifted its focus to other currencies, its legacy remains intact. Today, it stands as a symbol of the Ottoman Empire’s golden era, sought after by numismatists and historians alike for its intricate design, historical relevance, and as a reminder of an empire that once bridged continents.


The Para occupies a unique space in the vast monetary history of the Ottoman Empire. While not as illustrious as the gold Sultani or as dominant as the silver KuruÅŸ, the Para was instrumental in its role, serving the day-to-day needs of the common populace. Incredible old Turkish coins!

Introduced during the 17th century, the Para was typically made of copper or bronze. This humble metal composition ensured it remained the currency of the masses. It became the cornerstone for small-scale transactions, enabling people to buy everyday items like food, textiles, and other essentials. As the KuruÅŸ became the standard silver currency of the empire, the Para naturally fit in as its subordinate denomination, ensuring a wide spectrum of monetary values for various economic activities.

The value of the Para, like many other currencies, was not fixed throughout its existence. Its worth saw fluctuations based on economic conditions, political decisions, and changes in metal compositions. Over time, the weight and quality of the Para were reduced in response to economic pressures, a phenomenon known as debasement. This often led to periods of inflation and public dissatisfaction.

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Despite its challenges, the Para’s widespread use meant it was frequently minted, leading to a vast array of designs and variations. These coins often bore inscriptions that provided insights into the era they were minted, including names of sultans, minting locations, and religious texts.

As the Ottoman Empire underwent reforms, especially during the Tanzimat period in the 19th century, the Para continued its journey, adapting and evolving. Even after the fall of the empire, the legacy of the Para endured. The term “para” is still in use today in modern Turkey, referring to the subunit of the Turkish Lira. Its continued relevance stands as a testament to its deep-rooted significance in the region’s economic tapestry.


The Mangır, while perhaps lesser-known in the broad expanse of the Ottoman Empire’s monetary history, held a distinct place in its intricate economic web. A coin often overshadowed by its more prominent counterparts like the KuruÅŸ or the Sultani, the Mangır played a pivotal role in the empire’s granular economic transactions.

Crafted predominantly from copper, the Mangır was introduced as a smaller denomination, making it one of the least valuable coins in circulation. However, its importance lay not in its value but in its utility. Given its low denomination, the Mangır was essential for minute transactions. Whether it was for buying a handful of spices in the market, paying for minor services, or other trivial transactions, the Mangır ensured that the empire’s economy could function seamlessly down to its most minute levels.

As with many currencies of the period, the Mangır wasn’t immune to changes. Its weight, design, and metal composition underwent variations, reflecting the economic realities and administrative decisions of different eras. Sometimes, these changes were spurred by economic challenges, leading to debasements, where the metal content of the coin was diluted, causing concerns of inflation among the populace.

In the visual and artistic realm, Mangırs, like other Ottoman coins, were often adorned with intricate inscriptions. These typically included details of the minting year, location, or the reigning sultan’s tughra. For historians and numismatists, these inscriptions provide valuable windows into the past, revealing nuances about the empire’s political and economic phases.

While the Mangır may have been a coin of humble value, its historical significance is undeniable. In the ebb and flow of the Ottoman economic landscape, where grand gold coins often steal the limelight, the Mangır stands as a testament to the empire’s intricate and layered economic fabric, where even the smallest cog had a role to play.


The ReÅŸadiye gold coin, named after Sultan Mehmed V ReÅŸad, is a captivating relic from the twilight years of the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Mehmed V, whose reign spanned from 1909 to 1918, was a figurehead ruler during a tumultuous period marked by political upheavals, wars, and socio-cultural changes.

The coin, crafted from gold, exudes the allure of a bygone era. Its very existence is emblematic of a complex intersection of traditional imperial symbols and the transformative winds of the 20th century. On one side, the ReÅŸadiye typically showcased the tughra of Mehmed V, an intricate calligraphic emblem that had been a hallmark of Ottoman sultanic authority for centuries. On the flip side, the coin displayed its denomination and minting year, offering both an artistic and pragmatic visage.

Amidst the backdrop of World War I and the rise of the Young Turks, the ReÅŸadiye was not merely a medium of economic exchange; it was also a symbol of continuity in an empire facing radical shifts. Despite the empire’s internal and external challenges, the issuance of such coins bore testimony to its attempt to maintain a semblance of normalcy and continuity.

For collectors and historians today, the ReÅŸadiye serves as a tangible link to a pivotal moment in Ottoman history. It connects the legacy of an ancient empire to the turbulent events of the early 20th century, making it an artifact of both monetary and historical significance.

As the Ottoman Empire drew to a close and the Turkish Republic emerged in its aftermath, many symbols of the old empire faded away. However, artifacts like the ReÅŸadiye remain, offering glimpses into an empire’s final years, marked by a blend of traditional grandeur and the inexorable tide of change.

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