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Options Trading Course

Best Options Trading Course

In the intricate labyrinth of the financial market, options trading stands out as a realm of endless possibilities, promising both high returns and calculated risk. But the mere mention of it can send a novice trader into a spiral of confusion. From call and put options to Greeks and volatility, understanding the core of options trading is no walk in the park. However, with the right guidance and dedication, any determined individual can turn this seemingly complex landscape into a lucrative venture. That’s where the need for an exceptional options trading course comes in. In this article, we will delve into the best courses that offer a holistic and detailed approach to options trading, ensuring that even beginners emerge with a solid foundation. So whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned trader looking to hone your skills, you’re about to embark on a journey of insightful learning. What is the best options trading course?

Best Options Trading Course

Sky View Trading

Sky View Trading is an online educational platform that focuses on teaching its members about options trading. It emphasizes a systematic approach to trading and aims to educate traders on how to profit in any market condition.

Key Features:

  1. Educational Videos: Sky View Trading offers a library of educational videos that cover a range of topics, from the basics of options trading to advanced strategies.
  2. Trade Alerts: Members can receive real-time trade alerts, which allow them to see the strategies discussed in the educational content applied to real market conditions.
  3. Real-World Analysis: The platform often includes video analyses of current market conditions, offering insights into how the Sky View Trading team interprets and responds to market events.
  4. Strategy Breakdowns: The team provides detailed explanations of the strategies they employ, helping members understand the rationale behind each trade.
  5. Interactive Webinars: Periodically, Sky View Trading may host live webinars where members can ask questions and dive deeper into specific topics.


  1. Systematic Approach: Sky View Trading promotes a systematic approach to options trading, which can help reduce the emotional aspect of trading decisions.
  2. Practical Insights: Through trade alerts and market analyses, members can see theoretical knowledge applied in real-time, enhancing their practical understanding.
  3. Comprehensive Education: The platform covers a wide spectrum of topics, ensuring that members, whether they’re beginners or experienced traders, can find valuable insights.
  4. Community: Being part of Sky View Trading gives members access to a community of like-minded traders, facilitating discussions, and exchanges of ideas.

CBOE Options Institute

The CBOE Options Institute is the educational division of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Established in the early 1980s, it’s renowned as one of the primary educational resources for options traders worldwide. The institute aims to help investors of all levels enhance their understanding of options trading and broaden their investment horizons.

Key Features:

  1. Wide Range of Courses: The Options Institute offers a variety of classes, starting from foundational concepts of options trading to more advanced strategies and topics.
  2. In-Person and Online Learning: Prior to the rise of digital education, the institute was known for its in-person classes held in Chicago. Today, they also provide webinars, online courses, and virtual seminars to reach a broader audience.
  3. Customized Education: They offer tailored educational programs for institutional clients, financial advisors, and other professional groups.
  4. Experienced Instructors: Courses are taught by a combination of CBOE staff instructors and a variety of respected industry professionals. This ensures that students get both theoretical and practical perspectives on options trading.
  5. Interactive Tools: The institute’s online platform provides various tools, such as strategy performance analyzers, options calculators, and volatility indexes, which offer practical insights for traders.
  6. Up-to-Date Content: Given the ever-evolving nature of financial markets, the CBOE Options Institute regularly updates its courses to reflect current market conditions and the latest trading strategies.
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  1. Credibility: As an arm of one of the world’s largest exchange holding companies, the institute is a reputable source of knowledge.
  2. Practical Knowledge: The courses not only cover the theoretical aspects but also focus on real-world application, which is beneficial for traders looking to apply their knowledge immediately.
  3. Networking: For those attending in-person seminars or classes, it can be an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and even form trading groups or partnerships.
  4. Resources: Apart from formal courses,they provide a wealth of free resources, including articles, videos, and webinars.

Options Trading for Rookies (Udemy)

Udemy is a global marketplace for learning and instruction, offering a plethora of courses on a wide range of topics. Among these courses is “Options Trading for Rookies,” which is designed to provide beginners with a solid foundation in the world of options trading.

Key Features:

  1. Beginner-Focused: The course is tailored for those who are new to options trading, breaking down complex topics into easily digestible segments.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: “Options Trading for Rookies” typically covers the basics such as what options are, the difference between calls and puts, how to read an options chain, and foundational trading strategies.
  3. Real-Life Examples: To ensure practical understanding, the course often incorporates real-world examples and case studies.
  4. Interactive Quizzes: Periodic quizzes might be included to test the learner’s understanding and reinforce key concepts.
  5. Flexible Learning: As with most Udemy courses, users can learn at their own pace, with lifetime access to the content once purchased.
  6. Discussion Forums: Learners can engage in discussions with the instructor and fellow students, which can be valuable for clarifying doubts or gaining different perspectives.


  1. Affordability: Udemy frequently offers sales and discounts, making its courses, including “Options Trading for Rookies,” accessible to many.
  2. Self-Paced Learning: The on-demand nature of Udemy courses allows students to go through the material as quickly or as slowly as they wish.
  3. Accessible Anywhere: With both a web platform and a mobile app, Udemy courses can be accessed from nearly anywhere.
  4. Updated Content: Instructors often update their course content based on changes in the field or feedback from students, ensuring relevancy.

Option Alpha

Option Alpha is an online educational platform and community dedicated to teaching its members about options trading. Founded by Kirk Du Plessis, it’s known for offering extensive training materials, tools, and resources for traders at all levels, from beginners to seasoned veterans.

Key Features:

  1. Track-Based Learning: Option Alpha provides structured learning tracks ranging from beginner to expert levels. Each track is designed to guide traders through a step-by-step process, making it easier to progress and build upon previous knowledge.
  2. Trade Optimization Tools: The platform boasts a series of tools designed to help optimize trades, including profit matrix, backtesting, and trade adjustment visuals.
  3. Daily Videos: Almost daily, there are video updates which cover market analysis, trade examples, and strategy breakdowns.
  4. Trade Alerts: Members can opt to receive real-time trade alerts that showcase the platform’s strategies in action.
  5. Automated Trading: Option Alpha introduced an automated trading system, allowing members to automate certain strategies based on predefined conditions.
  6. Podcasts and Webinars: The platform regularly produces podcasts and hosts webinars that discuss various topics in the world of options trading.
  7. Community Forum: Members can discuss strategies, share insights, ask questions, and learn from each other in a dedicated community forum.
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  1. Comprehensive Education: Option Alpha offers a wealth of educational content that caters to traders of all experience levels.
  2. Real-World Application: Through trade alerts and daily videos, members can see strategies applied in real market conditions.
  3. Transparency: Option Alpha is known for its transparent approach, often sharing both winning and losing trades, and explaining the reasoning behind each decision.
  4. Continuous Updates: The platform regularly updates its content and tools to ensure relevance and address the evolving needs of the market.
  5. Free Resources: While there are premium features available, Option Alpha also offers a substantial amount of free educational content, making it accessible for those who aren’t ready to commit financially.

Investopedia Academy – Options Course

Investopedia, known for its vast collection of financial and investment resources, also offers the Investopedia Academy. This academy provides courses on various financial topics, and one of their offerings is focused on options trading.

Key Features:

  1. Foundation Building: The course begins with foundational topics, introducing participants to the world of options, their terminologies, and how they function.
  2. Interactive Content: The course is typically designed with a mix of video lessons, interactive content, and quizzes to facilitate learning and reinforce concepts.
  3. Real-World Application: The course integrates real-world examples and scenarios to help students apply theoretical knowledge practically.
  4. Expert Instructors: Investopedia Academy often employs financial experts and professionals in the field to teach their courses, ensuring that the content is both accurate and applicable.
  5. Strategies and Techniques: Beyond the basics, the course delves into various options trading strategies, from basic call and put strategies to more complex multi-leg options strategies.
  6. Risk Management: An essential aspect of options trading is understanding and managing risk. The course usually covers risk management techniques and strategies in detail.
  7. Access to Resources: Enrolled students often have access to additional resources, such as supplementary reading materials, worksheets, and tools.


  1. Reputation: Investopedia is a widely recognized and respected name in the financial education space, lending credibility to its courses.
  2. Self-Paced Learning: The online nature of the course allows students to progress at their own pace, revisiting complex topics as needed.
  3. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers a broad spectrum of topics within options trading, making it suitable for both beginners looking to start and intermediate traders aiming to enhance their knowledge.
  4. Affordable: Compared to many other professional courses, Investopedia Academy’s offerings are typically more affordable, making quality education accessible to many.

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