Home » Encoins: A New Era in Cryptocurrency Privacy

Encoins: A New Era in Cryptocurrency Privacy

Encoins (ENCS) is a groundbreaking project that stands at the forefront of privacy and security in the blockchain world.

Encoins introduces a central concept on Cardano: private transactions handled via a smart contract ensuring that the amount of a transaction and the receiver of a transaction are private, leveraging NFTs on one of the most secure network on earth.

This article aims to shed light on Encoins, a digital currency that’s not just another name in the vast sea of cryptocurrencies but a beacon of innovation in the realm of digital privacy.

We’ll explore its unique approach to securing transactions, its distinctive features, and the potential it holds in reshaping our interaction with digital assets.

Encoins Explained


Developed on the Cardano blockchain, known for its strong native asset capabilities and the eUTXO model, ENCOINS differentiates itself in the cryptocurrency landscape through its innovative approach to transaction privacy.

The heart of ENCOINS lies in its unique use of encrypted coins. These are essentially Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with encrypted redeeming values, known only to the coin’s owner. This encryption of value is a game-changer, offering a level of transaction privacy that is rare in the world of digital currencies.

Central to ENCOINS is the Encrypted Coins Protocol, which facilitates the minting, burning, and transferring of these special coins. What makes this protocol stand out is its use of advanced cryptographic methods, including zero-knowledge proofs, to maintain the confidentiality of transaction details. This addresses a critical gap in digital finance by combining the inherent transparency of blockchain with a new level of privacy and security.

ENCOINS’ potential to seamlessly integrate with the DeFi applications on the Cardano network underscores its uniqueness. This ability to marry transaction privacy with the transparency of blockchain places ENCOINS in a potentially transformative position within the cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem.

The Need for Privacy in Blockchain Transactions

The crux of the issue lies in blockchain’s default public nature. Transactions, while pseudonymous, expose amounts transferred, creating vulnerabilities. For individuals, this means a potential loss of financial privacy, where their spending habits and financial status are laid bare. For businesses, this transparency can lead to the unwanted disclosure of sensitive transactional data to competitors, a significant risk in competitive markets.

Privacy in blockchain transactions is not just a luxury but a necessity for financial security and autonomy. Traditional banking systems inherently protect client privacy, a feature that standard blockchain models disrupt. This disruption can lead to a spectrum of risks, from phishing attacks to broader security concerns.

Additionally, the role of regulatory compliance, such as the GDPR in the EU, complicates matters. These regulations require the protection of personal data, a challenging proposition given the public nature of most blockchains.

Recognizing these privacy issues, some blockchain projects have developed solutions like zero-knowledge proofs and ring signatures to maintain transaction confidentiality. Yet, these solutions often come with their own set of trade-offs in scalability and transaction speed.

What Makes ENCOINS Unique?

First and foremost, ENCOINS utilizes the Encrypted Coins Protocol. This protocol is central to the system, enabling the minting and burning of encrypted coins. Each coin, functioning as an NFT, carries an encrypted value, ensuring that only the owner knows the true worth of the coin. This encryption is a fundamental shift from the usual transparency of blockchain transactions.

The heart of ENCOINS’ technical prowess lies in its use of advanced cryptographic methods. The protocol employs zero-knowledge proofs, a complex cryptographic technique that ensures transaction details are verified without revealing any underlying information. This method is crucial for maintaining privacy and security in transactions, allowing users to prove the validity of their transactions without exposing sensitive data.

Private TX with Endcoins

Another significant aspect of ENCOINS is its potential for seamless integration with DeFi applications on the Cardano network. This compatibility suggests that ENCOINS could be used in various financial applications, offering privacy and security benefits that are not typically available in standard blockchain transactions.

Furthermore, ENCOINS’ design is scalable and adaptable, ensuring that it can evolve with the changing landscape of blockchain technology and DeFi applications. Its architecture is built to accommodate future developments and integrations, potentially broadening its use cases and user base.

Technical Aspects of ENCOINS

ENCOINS is based on minting and burning tokens to replicate what would have been a public transaction and make it private.

It introduces a unique technical approach within the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. In Cardano, every native asset is defined by a minting policy and a token name. The minting policy outlines the rules for creating (minting) and destroying (burning) the asset, essentially dictating its tokenomics. Developers have the freedom to choose token names, which can be either for aesthetic purposes or to encode useful information.

In the context of ENCOINS, each token, referred to as an encrypted coin, adheres to the same minting policy but has a distinct token name. This makes each encrypted coin an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). The token names are crucial as they contain information about the coin’s redeeming ADA value. This information is encrypted, known only to the coin’s owner. The private information needed to generate an encrypted coin, known as the minting key, comprises the redeeming ADA value and a randomly generated number (nonce).

For a transaction involving minting and burning encrypted coins to be validated, two conditions must be met:

  1. There must be proof of knowledge of minting keys for all coins involved, both minted and burned.
  2. The net difference in ADA between the minted and burned coins must be accounted for either in the validator script (if positive) or withdrawn to a specific user address (if negative).
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These rules are underpinned by cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs, ensuring no disclosure of information about the minting keys or the coins’ redeeming values. The withdrawal address for ADA is also encoded in the proof, adding a layer of security, especially in transactions facilitated by a relayer.

That way, when Alice sends ADA to Bob, the amount is private, the sender and receiver are private.

ENCOINS features a Minting Portal where users can mint, send, re-mint, and burn encrypted coins. The system is designed to integrate with popular Cardano wallets, enhancing its usability and accessibility within the Cardano ecosystem.

A Summary of all the Encoins Features

Based on everything we’ve said so far, here are the detailed features of ENCOINS:

  1. Built on Cardano Blockchain: ENCOINS utilizes the robust framework of the Cardano blockchain, known for its native asset capabilities and innovative eUTXO model.
  2. Encrypted Coins Protocol: This is a key component of ENCOINS, where each token (encrypted coin) is unique, essentially functioning as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). The protocol enables minting and burning of these encrypted coins.
  3. Unique Token Name with Encrypted Value: Each encrypted coin has a distinct token name that contains encrypted information about its redeeming ADA value. This value is known only to the coin’s owner, enhancing privacy.
  4. Minting Key Concept: The minting key, comprising the redeeming ADA value and a randomly generated number (nonce), is used to generate an encrypted coin. This key is known only to the coin’s owner.
  5. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: ENCOINS uses cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs to maintain transaction privacy. These proofs verify transactions without revealing sensitive information about the minting keys or redeeming values.
  6. Transaction Validation Rules: For transactions involving minting and burning encrypted coins, two conditions must be met: proof of knowledge of minting keys for all involved coins and appropriate handling of the ADA difference between minted and burned coins.
  7. ENCOINS Minting Portal: A user interface for minting, sending, re-minting, and burning encrypted coins. It potentially integrates with popular Cardano wallets for enhanced accessibility.
  8. Privacy in Transactions: ENCOINS’ core feature is its ability to conduct transactions with a high level of privacy, making it ideal for users and businesses that prioritize confidentiality in their financial dealings.
  9. Potential Integration with DeFi: The possibility of integrating ENCOINS with decentralized finance applications on the Cardano network could open up new use cases and expand its functionality.
  10. Scalability and Adaptability: ENCOINS is designed to be scalable and adaptable, ensuring that it can evolve with advancements in blockchain technology and user needs.

But why, why all of this?

Well, things can go south in the next 20 years.
I’ve asked chatGPT to imagine a world shaped by central bankers.

ChatGPT section: “Imagine a dystopian scenario where ENCOINS becomes a necessary technology for the world”

Scenario: A World of Total Surveillance

Imagine a future where global governments and corporations have expanded their surveillance capabilities to an unprecedented level. Every digital transaction, no matter how small, is monitored and recorded. In this world, traditional cryptocurrencies have been rendered obsolete by quantum computing, which can easily break their encryption. The very concept of financial privacy is a thing of the past, as every purchase, investment, and transfer is visible to prying eyes.

The Rise of ENCOINS as a Beacon of Privacy

In this surveillance-dominated world, ENCOINS emerges as a revolutionary tool. Its advanced cryptographic techniques, like zero-knowledge proofs, become the only reliable means of conducting private transactions. The encrypted coins of ENCOINS, operating on the secure Cardano blockchain, offer a haven for those seeking to escape the all-seeing eyes of the state and corporations.

A dark totalitarian world under control of powerful totalitarian groups scanning blockchains

Use in Everyday Life

People start relying on ENCOINS for everyday transactions, from buying groceries to paying bills, just to keep their spending habits private. The technology becomes especially crucial for journalists, political dissidents, and anyone else who might be targeted by the state for their activities, religion or beliefs.

Impact on Society

As ENCOINS grows in popularity, it creates a parallel economy where privacy is the currency of choice. This leads to a societal split between those who operate within the surveilled, traditional economy. Governments and corporations make efforts to crack down on or co-opt this technology, leading to a constant cat-and-mouse game between the users of ENCOINS and the entities trying to breach its defenses that constantly fail.

Tokenomics of ENCOINS (ENCS)

The tokenomics and governance of ENCOINS are key aspects that contribute to its uniqueness and functionality in the blockchain space. They outline how the ENCS tokens are distributed and used within the ecosystem, as well as how decisions related to the project are made.

  1. ENCS Tokenomics:
    • The ENCS token serves as the native utility token within the ENCOINS ecosystem.
    • There is a fixed supply of 15 million ENCS tokens, ensuring scarcity and potentially adding value over time.
    • The distribution of these tokens is typically structured to support various stakeholders in the ecosystem. This may include allocations for the development team, early supporters, and a reserve or treasury for future project development.
    • ENCS tokens can be used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including participating in governance decisions, as rewards for network participants, or as a means of transaction within the ecosystem.
  2. Governance Structure:
    • ENCOINS operates with a decentralized governance model, often referred to as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
    • The DAO approach ensures that decision-making is distributed among the token holders, rather than being centralized in the hands of a few developers or founders.
    • Token holders typically have the ability to propose changes, vote on new developments, and influence the direction of the project. This democratic approach to governance aligns with the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology.
    • The specific mechanisms of governance (such as voting procedures, quorums, and proposal submission) are designed to ensure fair and transparent decision-making within the community.
  3. Utility of ENCS Tokens:
    • Beyond governance, ENCS tokens may have additional utilities. They could be used within the ecosystem for transactions, as a form of staking or collateral, or to access certain features of the platform.
    • The utility of these tokens often plays a significant role in their value perception among users and investors.
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In summary, the tokenomics and governance of ENCOINS form the backbone of its operational structure, ensuring a balanced, fair, and community-driven approach to the project’s development and growth. This model not only incentivizes participation and investment but also aligns with the broader principles of blockchain and decentralized finance.

Target Market Cap of Privacy

Predicting the market cap of privacy tokens in 2030, especially in the context of the burgeoning data privacy software market, requires considering several factors, including the growth of data privacy concerns, advancements in blockchain technology, and the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies for secure transactions.

Given the estimated growth of the data privacy software market to USD 35,088 Million by 2030, with a CAGR of 40.2%, it’s reasonable to anticipate significant growth in the privacy token sector as well. This growth will likely be fueled by:

  1. Increasing Cybersecurity Concerns: As cyberattacks and data breaches become more frequent and sophisticated, the demand for privacy-focused solutions in the blockchain space will likely increase. This will drive the market cap of privacy tokens higher.
  2. Adoption in Various Industries: With a growing number of industries adopting blockchain for secure and private transactions, the use of privacy tokens is expected to expand, contributing to their market cap growth.
  3. Technological Advancements: The continuous evolution of blockchain technology, including improved scalability and efficiency, will enhance the usability of privacy tokens, potentially increasing their market value.
  4. Government Regulations: Stricter data privacy regulations worldwide could lead to a higher adoption rate of privacy tokens, as they can offer compliant solutions for secure transactions.
  5. Public Awareness and Trust: As awareness of data privacy issues grows and more users begin to trust and understand blockchain technology, the adoption of privacy tokens is likely to increase, contributing to market cap growth.

Let’s assume that the privacy token market grows at a similar pace to the data privacy software market, which is expected to expand at a CAGR of 40.2% from 2021 to 2030. Starting from a smaller base compared to the entire data privacy software market, the privacy token market might follow a similar trajectory but with different initial values and market dynamics.

If we consider a hypothetical scenario where the privacy token market is a fraction of the data privacy market due to its niche positioning, let’s say around 5-10% of the data privacy market size, we could expect a market cap in the range of:

  • 5% of USD 35,088 Million = USD 1,754.4 Million
  • 10% of USD 35,088 Million = USD 3,508.8 Million

Thus, a very speculative estimate would place the privacy token market cap somewhere between USD 1.75 Billion to USD 3.5 Billion by 2030.

Let’s imagine that ENCS absorbs 10% of that market: it’s a market cap of 350 million USD which is a 25x from here sending the token price to $25.


Creating a conclusion that encapsulates all the information about ENCOINS and the future prospects of privacy tokens in the blockchain space requires synthesizing the key points discussed:

  1. Innovation of ENCOINS: ENCOINS represents a significant leap in blockchain technology, focusing on privacy in digital transactions. Its unique approach, leveraging the Cardano blockchain, introduces encrypted coins – a novel concept enhancing transaction privacy. The Encrypted Coins Protocol and the use of advanced cryptographic methods like zero-knowledge proofs set ENCOINS apart in the blockchain ecosystem.
  2. Market Potential: The privacy token market, of which ENCOINS is a part, shows promising growth potential. Given the increasing concerns over data privacy and the rise of cybersecurity threats, privacy tokens are poised to gain more attention and usage. Although speculative, the market cap of privacy tokens could see substantial growth by 2030, potentially mirroring the rapid expansion of the data privacy software market.
  3. Challenges and Opportunities: ENCOINS, like any other innovative technology, faces its set of challenges. These include navigating regulatory landscapes, ensuring technological scalability and efficiency, and gaining user trust and adoption. However, the opportunities, especially in integrating with DeFi platforms and expanding use cases beyond financial transactions, are vast and could drive significant growth in the privacy token sector.
  4. Future Outlook: The outlook for ENCOINS and privacy tokens is cautiously optimistic. With the growing emphasis on data privacy, coupled with the advancements in blockchain technology, privacy tokens could become a critical component in the future of digital transactions and cybersecurity.

This is not financial advice. I’m invested in the Cardano ecosystem but I do not own any ENCS tokens as of today (10.12.2023).

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