Home » Best ChatGPT Crypto Prompts

Best ChatGPT Crypto Prompts

This article is listing the best ChatGPT crypto prompts. It’s just for fun! I’m trying to see what the limit of the engine are by asking different questions about the ecosystem… I’m exited about the technology and I think I will edit the article each time I have a new idea of interesting question to ask. For crypto news, have a look at CoinGosu. But, now, what about crypto prompts? What are the best ChatGPT crypto prompts?

1. Ask for a conversation between 2 crypto leaders

“Imagine a discussion between Charles Hoskinson and Vitalik Butterin about Cardano versus Ethereum.”


Charles Hoskinson: Hi Vitalik, it’s great to see you again. I wanted to talk to you today about Cardano and how it compares to Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin: Hi Charles, it’s good to see you too. I’m always interested in hearing more about Cardano.

Charles Hoskinson: Well, first of all, I think it’s important to note that Cardano is built on a completely different architecture than Ethereum. We use a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm called Ouroboros, which is more energy efficient and secure than the proof-of-work algorithm used by Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin: That’s definitely an advantage, and I think proof-of-stake has a lot of potential for scaling. But Ethereum is also working on transitioning to proof-of-stake with Ethereum 2.0.

Charles Hoskinson: That’s true, but I believe that Cardano’s approach to proof-of-stake is more advanced and mature. We’ve also put a lot of emphasis on research and development, and have a strong focus on making sure that our technology is secure and scalable.

Vitalik Buterin: I agree that research and development is important, and Ethereum has also placed a strong emphasis on that. But I think one of the biggest differences between Cardano and Ethereum is the focus of the projects. Ethereum is primarily focused on providing a platform for building decentralized applications, while Cardano is more focused on creating a secure and decentralized financial infrastructure.

Charles Hoskinson: That’s true, and I think both approaches have their strengths. Ultimately, I believe that both Cardano and Ethereum can coexist and complement each other in the ecosystem.

Vitalik Buterin: I agree, and I think it’s great to see so many different projects and approaches to blockchain technology. It’s an exciting time for the industry!”

Best chatGPT crypto prompts!

2. Ask to generate a crypto portfolio

“Can you give me an example of a crypto portfolio with high risk-adjusted return?”


“Sure! Here is an example of a high-risk, high-return cryptocurrency portfolio:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): The original and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, BTC is often considered the “gold standard” of the cryptocurrency market. It has a history of high volatility and has the potential for significant price appreciation.
  • Ethereum (ETH): The second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, ETH is a popular choice for investors due to its wide range of applications, including smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). It is also considered to be more stable than some of the smaller, more volatile cryptocurrencies.
  • Ripple (XRP): A cryptocurrency designed for use in the financial industry, XRP has a strong focus on international payments and has partnerships with several major financial institutions. It has a history of high volatility and is considered a high-risk investment.
  • Litecoin (LTC): A fork of BTC, LTC is designed to be faster and more efficient than BTC. It is considered a less risky investment than some of the smaller, more experimental cryptocurrencies, but it is still a high-risk asset due to its volatile nature.
  • Monero (XMR): A privacy-focused cryptocurrency, XMR is often used for illegal activities due to its strong emphasis on anonymity. As a result, it is considered a high-risk investment.
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This portfolio is considered high-risk due to the volatility of the individual cryptocurrencies and the overall cryptocurrency market. It has the potential for high returns if the market performs well, but it also carries the risk of significant losses if the market trends downward. As with any investment, it is important to carefully consider your risk tolerance and do your own research before making any investment decisions.”

3. Ask for a fundamental analysis of a token

“Can you analyse the fundamentals of the cryptocurrency Monero?”


“Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that uses cryptography to obscure the sender, recipient, and amount of every transaction on its blockchain. It was created in 2014 and is an open-source project that is maintained by a community of volunteers.

One of the key features of Monero is its use of ring signatures and stealth addresses to protect the privacy of its users. A ring signature allows a group of users to have a single shared address, making it difficult to determine which user in the group actually made a transaction. A stealth address is a one-time use address that is created for each transaction, making it difficult to link the transaction to a specific user.

Monero has a strong emphasis on decentralization and is resistant to censorship. It is designed to be ASIC-resistant, meaning that it is more difficult for specialized mining hardware to gain an advantage over regular computer hardware. This helps to ensure that the network remains decentralized and not controlled by a small group of miners.

Monero has a fixed supply of 18.4 million units, with a little over 17 million currently in circulation. The Monero network uses a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm, which rewards miners for contributing their computational resources to the network. The Monero block reward is currently around 5 XMR per block and is set to decrease by 0.6 XMR per year until it reaches 0.3 XMR per block.

Monero has gained a reputation as a preferred cryptocurrency for illegal activities due to its strong privacy features. It has also been adopted by some legitimate businesses and individuals who value privacy and security in their financial transactions. However, the association with illegal activities has caused some exchanges to delist Monero and may affect its wider adoption.”

4. Ask to imagine a funny scenario: Charles Hoskinson burning ADA

“Can you imagine a dialogue involving Charles Hoskinson announcing that he will burn some ADA?”


Charles Hoskinson: Hey everyone, I have an important announcement to make.

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Audience: What is it, Charles?

Charles Hoskinson: I’ve decided to burn some of my ADA, the cryptocurrency that I co-founded.

Audience: Wow, that’s a big move. Why are you doing that?

Charles Hoskinson: Well, I believe it’s the best thing for the long-term health of the ADA ecosystem. By reducing the supply of ADA, I hope to increase demand and drive up the price.

Audience: That’s a bold strategy. Do you think it will work?

Charles Hoskinson: I can’t guarantee anything, but I believe it’s worth a shot. And even if it doesn’t work out exactly as planned, I’m committed to doing what’s best for the future of ADA.

Audience: Thanks for the update, Charles. We’ll be watching closely to see how this plays out.

Charles Hoskinson: Thanks for your support. I’ll keep you all posted on any further developments.”
One of the best chatGPT crypto prompts!

5. Ask for a business plan to launch a new crypto

“Explain a good business plan for the launch of a new crypto token”


“Here is a general outline for a business plan for the launch of a new cryptocurrency token:

  1. Define the value proposition: Clearly define the unique value that your token brings to the market. What problem does it solve, and why should people want to use it?
  2. Identify the target market: Who is the target audience for your token? What are their needs and pain points, and how does your token address them?
  3. Create a roadmap: Develop a roadmap that outlines the development and launch timeline for your token. This should include key milestones, such as the launch of the mainnet, the implementation of key features, and the roll-out of marketing and sales efforts.
  4. Build a strong team: Assemble a team of experienced professionals who have the skills and expertise to develop and promote your token. This should include developers, marketing experts, and business development professionals.
  5. Develop a marketing and sales strategy: Create a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy that outlines how you will promote your token and generate demand for it. This should include tactics such as content marketing, social media campaigns, and partnerships with relevant organizations.
  6. Raise funds: Determine the funding needed to bring your token to market and develop a plan to raise those funds. This may involve conducting an initial coin offering (ICO), seeking venture capital investment, or leveraging other funding sources.
  7. Launch and promote your token: Once the development of your token is complete, launch it and begin promoting it to your target market. This may involve conducting a marketing campaign, hosting events, and engaging with the community through social media and other channels.

It is important to note that launching a new cryptocurrency token is a complex and challenging process that requires a well-thought-out plan and a strong team to execute it. It is also essential to be aware of the regulatory environment for cryptocurrency in your jurisdiction and to ensure that your token complies with all applicable laws and regulations.”
One of the best chatGPT crypto prompts!

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